Monday, February 22, 2010

"God wants our obedience, even in the little things!"

So many times in our lives we go our own way!! We make problems for ourselves!! God wants our obedience in everything!! I had a doctor's appointment on Feb. 16th. and I had to go in for lab work before the appointment. I am supposed to not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before. The night before my appointment my husband decided to fix a peach cobbler!!! When he told me he was cooking it, I could already taste it!!! But, when he went back to the kitchen, I knew I did not need it, but, I knew I needed God's help to resist it! That peach cobbler would not be good for my blood sugar!!! I wanted the peach cobbler, but, I did not need it!!! I prayed for God to take that desire away from me for the peach cobbler!!! A little later, my husband came back to the computer room where I was, and before I knew it, I told him to not bring me a bowl of cobbler and to keep it covered and out of sight!!! Praise God for His strength to say no!!!
We must all make choices in our lives. Daniel chose to not defile himself with the king's wine & choice food. He made up his mind to not engage in compromise by being untrue to God's call of commitment. Daniel 1:8
There are so many things in our lives that are put before us! But, we must always remember God has the very best plan for us!! Trust Him!! Keep the Faith!! Be Obedient!! Pray & Read the Word!!
Oh, By the way, I got a wonderful doctor's report!! Blood sugar had dropped from 122 three months ago to 112!! Praise the Lord!!

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