Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Extending Grace"

Last week I took two of my grandsons to Chuck-E-Cheese. After they had eaten their pizza and played lots of games and they redeemed their tickets so that they could get their prizes, they went to the prize counter. My 6 year old grandson saw all the prizes and pointed to the one he wanted, not realizing that it was a lot more tickets than he had redeemed. The girl attendant waiting on him started reaching for that prize and I said he doesn't have enough for that. She gave it to him anyway! That was grace! Getting what we don't deserve! So many times we have the opportunity to extend grace to others, do we let it pass by, or do we graciously show favor towards someone! I am forever grateful to Jesus for His grace! God's Riches at Christ's Expense! Grace.......
1. We are justified by His grace. When a sinner repents and places his faith in Jesus Christ, God declares him just, imputes the righteousness of Christ to him, and gives him eternal life by virtue of the substitutionary death of Christ as the penalty for that sinner's inquity. (Ref. to Titus 3:7)
2. Riches of His grace. Salvation, of course, is very much for the believer's blessing, but it is even more for the purpose of eternally glorifying God for bestowing on believers His endless and limitless grace and kindness. The whole of heaven glorifies Him for what He has done in saving sinners. (Ref. to Eph. 2:8)
3. His grace is sufficient."Is sufficient" reveals the constant availability of divine grace. Trust God and let God's grace shine forth in whatever you endure! (Ref. to 2 Corinthians 12:9)
4. Greater grace. The only ray of hope in man's spiritual darkness is the sovereign grace of God, which alone can rescue man from his propensity to lust for evil things. That God gives "greater grace" shows that His grace is greater than the power of sin, the flesh, the world, and Satan.
(Ref. to James 4:6)
5. Draw near with confidence to the throne of grace. Isn't it wonderful to know that we can come boldly before the throne of grace and ask for help in our time of need. (Ref. Hebrews 4:16


Thank God for His Grace!

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